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Philings soins anti-âge - Microneedling et Plasma pen

ST GENIS POUILLY 01630 -Pays de Gex


-Technicienne et experte en peau-

Philings est une palette de soins rajeunissants et anti-âge pour la peau du visage et du corps. Elle se compose de deux traitements complémentaires et tout aussi importants anti-âge, rajeunissants et bio-régénératifs qui peuvent être utilisés

en combinaison ou séparément -

PLASMA PEN ET MICRONEEDLING skinexpert-certifiedexpert
PLASMA PEN ET MICRONEEDLING Formation Hygiène et Salubrité
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PLASMA PEN ET MICRONEEDLING Diplome Philings plasma pen institut du derme
PLASMA PEN ET MICRONEEDLING Philings institut du derme microneedling

Philings anti-aging care - Microneedling and Phi-Ion-

Philings is a rejuvenating and anti-aging skin care palette for the face. It consists of two complementary and equally important anti-aging, rejuvenating and bio-regenerative treatments that can be used in combination or separately -


In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Microneedling is a painless treatment to rejuvenate the skin. The procedure aims to stimulate micro-circulation and the natural processes of collagen production and regeneration. It is also used successfully for hair restoration in non-androgenic alopecia.

A device with fine needles creates micro-perforations in the top layer of the skin (epidermis), which prompts the body to create new collagen and elastin. Results can include improved texture and firmness, skin hydration, increased skin tone and smoothness, making existing wrinkles less noticeable and skin younger, as well as reduced scarring. , pore size and stretch marks.

During the treatment, Micronnedling cocktail is applied depending on the type of skin and it is then absorbed.

After treatment, the skin will be red similar to moderate sunburn. You may also feel tingling and slight tenderness to touch on the treated area. These effects will diminish considerably a few hours after the treatment and after three days the most visible erythema will be eliminated.

You will receive an "Ultimate Skin Cocktail" gel. Which should be applied 3 times a day for 5 days. Once this serum is applied after five days, you can apply a little bit of Skin Candy if you feel the need.

Proper application of the follow-up products is of great importance as these products will nourish the skin during the regeneration process.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

After treatment, do not:

- Wash your face for 24 hours (No water, milk or other)

- Expose your skin to direct sunlight for 24 hours. Strict recommendation to wear dark sunglasses and a hat.

- Use foundation and powders for 48 hours

- Do not use sauna, swimming pools, public baths and sunbeds for 5 days.

- Exposing yourself to physical and sports activities accompanied by excessive sweating for 5 days.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The results become visible 24 hours after the procedure and will last a few months in some cases, the results are permanent. The procedure is repeated up to three to four times, ten to fourteen days apart.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Treatment is based on creating series of tiny dots adjacent to lines of tension on the skin. This process triggers instant contraction and tightening of skin fibers to create a lifting, reshaping and rejuvenating effect.

The Phi-ion pen uses the plasma state of matter. It is generated when the atmospheric gas between the tip of the instrument and the skin is ionized. It causes a small electric arc which creates contraction, tightening and shortening of skin fibers. Which will lead to a reduction in the surface area of ​​the skin.

This method does not damage the surrounding tissue. Plasma is much less invasive than laser.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

This revolutionary gentle surgery allows, the correction of the drooping eyelid (non-surgical eyelid blepharoplasty), the removal of wrinkles around the mouth (bar codes), the improvement of the appearance of many types of scars, the facelift , neck & décolleté.

As well as fat loss and wrinkle tension. Frown lines, forehead wrinkles, goose wrinkles.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

It is really important to establish a diagnosis in order to determine the feasibility of the treatment. As a trained professional, the procedure is very low risk. The side effects are minimal. and will not prevent you from continuing your daily activities.

Post-treatment indications: There will be little heat in the skin, such as sunburn with redness as well as small carbon scabs up to 0.2mm in diameter. They will heal and fall off within 5-7 days, leaving the skin pink and fresh. It may also have swelling depending on the area being treated, but this should only last for a few days. You may feel a stinging sensation, but it usually goes away within a few hours. There is no cream after treatment.

However, if the tingling feeling is present, a thin film of the "skin candy" balm can be applied only from the 3rd day.

A cold compress should provide significant and immediate relief for the swelling.

An antihistamine will help if it is particularly uncomfortable. All side effects should go away within 7-10 days.

In summary: the recovery time is much faster than surgical procedures and above all less expensive.

After treatment, do not:

- Use aggressive hygiene products (perfumes, soaps, etc.)

- Use foundation and powders for 48 hours

- Exposure to direct sunlight for 2 days and a strict recommendation to wear dark sunglasses and a hat.

- Use sauna, swimming pools, public baths and sunbeds for 5 days.

- Exposing yourself to physical and sports activities accompanied by excessive sweating for 5 days.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

It is important to protect the skin with a high factor (SPF 30+) sunscreen while healing. Do not scratch or remove the carbon scabs, as this could lead to scarring or even infection. Keep the area clean and dry. The skin will be especially sensitive during healing, so avoid scrubs or alcohol-based cleansers.

This method (perhaps combined with microneedling and vice versa) it is able to achieve results comparable to the results of cosmetic surgery.

One treatment is usually sufficient to achieve the desired results.

After 1 month, by appointment, the Artist and expert will determine if additional treatment is necessary. Another session will be necessary four months later, if the wrinkles are deep.

The results should last for at least 9 months in some cases the results are permanent.

On the home page, click Book and select

"permanent makeup & microneedling + jet plasma lift consultation". Duration 30 minutes compulsory and free.

Plasma sublimation is not recommended for people with very dark skin tones.

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PLASMA PEN ET MICRONEEDLING microneedling_ corps_cicatrices_ventres_solution_microneedling et support universel
PLASMA PEN ET MICRONEEDLING Les grains de miluims_ plasma_pen pays de gex
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PLASMA PEN ET MICRONEEDLING Rides- sous les yeux-plasma-pen
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PLASMA PEN ET MICRONEEDLING plasma_pen_blepharoplastie_paupières_chirugie_naturelle_douce_soin_visage
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PLASMA PEN ET MICRONEEDLING blepharoplastie_des_paupieres_plasma_pen_affaissement_des_paupieres
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PLASMA PEN ET MICRONEEDLING plasma_pen_ventre_microneedling_fermete_liftfermete
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PLASMA PEN ET MICRONEEDLING plasma_pen_phi_ion_philings_kerastoses_papillomes

Le soin ACNE Tip Plasma Pen Ph Ion Pro

Le traitement tue 75% de l'acné, de l'inflammation et de l'acné vulgaire causées par des bactéries. L'effet exfoliant de la peau produit par le plasma d'ozone a un effet significatif sur les cellules gliales mortes, tuant les bactéries causant l'acné et l'acné vulgaire, en particulier l'acné inflammatoire. Il a pour effet d'inhiber la sécrétion de sébum et de prévenir les récidives d'acné.

L'ozone agit sur les membranes cellulaires des bactéries, endommageant les composants de la membrane, détruisant les lipoprotéines et les lipopolysaccharides dans la membrane, modifiant la lyse et la mort cellulaire, tuant ainsi les champignons bactériens et les pucerons en très peu de temps en inhibant ainsi l'inflammation et les effets de l'acné.

Ses fonctions :

  • Antibactérien et anti-inflammatoire, élimine efficacement les bactéries sur la peau, réduit l'acné et empêche la propagation de l'acné et des bactéries.

  • Soulage la sensation désagréable de démangeaison causées par les allergies et la sécheresse.

  • Accélère le métabolisme cutané

  • Favorise la production de collagène

  • Améliore le taux d'absorption des ingrédients actifs des produits de soin de la peau et améliore l'effet des cosmétique.

  • Les atomes d'oxygène actifs les molécules d'oxygène et le rayonnement généré par le plasma contenu dans le plasma d'ozone vont détruire la membrane cellulaire bactérienne, l'ADN et les protéines, jouant ainsi un effet bactéricides.   

Fréquence des soins : tous les deux giènejours ou deux fois par semaine.


  • Ne pas utiliser de produits d'hygiène agressifs (parfums, savons, etc.)

  • pas d'exercices physiques et d'activités sportives pendant 48H00. Après ce délai, le maquillage est possible.

  • Une crème solaire pourra être appliqué 48H00 après et ce pendant un mois. 

  • Pas de piscine, sauna,  pendant 7 jours.                                               

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